Thursday 28 February 2013

Here is our video about Arden Digital Leaders

Mrs Allton asked us to make this short video - just 2 minutes, but we are now working on a longer version which explains more of the many things we have done, are currently working on or have planned for the future.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Digital Leaders Video

Today, the Arden Digital Leaders were asked to make a video which will be shown at an upcoming 'Teach Meet' and will be shown to 350 teachers up and down the country! In the video, we include exactly why we became Digital Leaders, what we have done and what we are going to do! We used MovieMaker, which Megan used for a piece of homework a couple of weeks ago; check her blog out to see more! We edited the video ourselves and filmed it ourselves; it was really fun!! The video will be up on the blog a bit later.

Monday 25 February 2013

Quadblogging Week 7

This week we are looking at the Blog from Luella Middle School, USA.

Link here:

Make sure you read and comment where possible... what has been added since last time we looked? Have they replyed to your comments?

Mrs Allton

Have you looked at our individual blogs recently?

Sophie has updated hers, as have others...

Thursday 14 February 2013

Coaching teachers

Teachers, Would you like some help with ICT or New Technology to use in school?
Email us at:

We will arrange a break or lunchtime to see you and show you software or apps.
If we don't know how to do use anything you want to know about we will try it out and work it out before we see you.

So far we have helped teachers with Office 2010, Twitter, Using, Prezi and Adobe Photoshop...


Hello America!
Thanks for visiting our blog again...
We would also like you to read and comment on this main blog as this is mostly written by the Digital Leaders about what they have been doing.
Any questions about what we are doing - please ask!
Thanks, Arden DLs
The presentation from the Prezi demonstration is below:

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Coaching the teachers... Prezi

We have invited teachers to come to a lunch time teaching session tomorrow (Thursday).
We are going to show them how to use

Matt and Megan are going to lead the session, but everyone will be helping out.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Week 4 of Quadblogging

This week we are looking at student blogs from Williston Central School, USA.
There are student blogs to view and comment on via both of these links:

Next week will be back to the other schools looking at this blog and our individual ones!

Sunday 3 February 2013

Safer Internet Day 2013 - 5th February 2013

It is 'Safer Internet Day 2013' this Tuesday and Lochie from the Digital Leaders has designed a poster to be displayed in all of the form rooms at Arden: