Thursday 25 April 2013

E Safety Assemblies

Our E Safety assemblies went really well! We presented to every year in school. We made some videos to back up our presentations; the links are at the bottom of this post. On Monday, we gave our first presentation to the Sixth Formers. We were nervous at first, because we didn't know how they would receive our presentation, but they laughed at the jokes and seemed to be interested in what we had to say. It went well, and we were proud of our efforts. The next day, Tuesday, we were presenting to the Year 10's and 11's. We were particularly nervous, as it was the first time we would be presenting with our script. I think it went well, and the videos played seemed to have the desired effect. The last assembly, on the Wednesday morning, was to the Year 7's, 8's and fellow Year 9's! The previous assemblies had been in the school hall, but for this special assembly involving 3 years, we presented in the larger sports hall. This time, Megan introduced the assembly and we all stood up and said our pieces. At the end, I was so relieved it had been done, but I was glad I'd done it. We all really enjoyed the experience and it helped build up our leadership skills. It was a chance to show the school how proud we felt to be Digital Leaders and to show them the skills we were building up by being one.

By Daisy Brown

Assembly E Safety DL's April 2013-

Arden's E Safety Assembly (Movie Maker)-

Arden E Safety Assembly (iMovie)-|Dzitilll

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